Our Commitment

100% Accuracy...

That's no empty claim. We do it exactly right or you receive a $10 credit or coupon.

Virtually No Backorders...

Over 98% of our order lines for catalog items are shipped complete.

Quality National Brands...

We carefully select products that meet or exceed current industry standards.

Quality HART Brand Alternatives...

Compare side by side with your current brand; if it's not better, we'll take it back.

Real Savings...

By specializing in Occupational, Recreational, Sports, and Employee Health Care we can truly offer you better prices.

Professional Service...

You're served by the friendliest, most knowledgeable Customer Service and Sales staff in the business.

Convenient Ordering...

Place your order here on our website or by phone 1.800.288.8200 or fax 206.242.3315. We also support E.R.S. and E.F.T.

For more information on our product lines or for help in placing an order, please call our customer service department at: 1.800.288.8200

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